Conference Papers
B. Riviere*, J. Lathrop*, S.-J. Chung. Bringing games to life: Decision-making for dynamical systems with spectral expansion tree search. Science Robotics. Under Review. (* indicates equal contribution)
J. Lathrop, J. Preiss, E. S. Lupu, F. Xie, S.-J. Chung. Improved autonomy with rapidly-learned dynamics from adaptive control. IEEE Intl. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Yokohama, Japan, 13 May 2024. Under Review.
J. Lathrop, W. Cook, J. Ragan, S.-J. Chung. Applying Monte Carlo tree search for orbit selection in multi-agent inspection. In Proc. AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, Charlotte, North Carolina, 9 August 2022.
J. Lathrop and D. A. Paley. Burrowing locomotion via crack propagation of a bio-inspired soft robot. In Proc. Modeling, Estimation and Control Conference, volume 54 of IFAC-PapersOnLine, pages 128–133, Austin, Texas, 24 October 2021.
T. Burch, J. Lathrop, W. Scott, and D. A. Paley. Feedback control of a soft swinging appendage. In Proc. 3rd IEEE Conf. Soft Robotics, pages 1–6, New Haven, Connecticut, 2020.